
Dumb or Dumber

There are two ways to sell your products or services:

Option A: Make your customers smarter. Let them know how and why you do what you do. Educate them on what to look for and what to avoid. Help them know what’s possible, what questions to ask and what to expect. Smart customers are informed customers who, in turn, are good customers.

Option B: Make your customers dumber. Don’t let them know about your products or services. Don’t tell them about variables, options or warranties. Don’t give them choices. Dumb customers are helpless customers who, in turn, are good customers because they will always run to you for help.


Option B is the easiest and that’s why many businesses do it. You could choose this option and be successful, but only until a competitor decides to go with Option A. When this happens, Option B is no longer an option.


Effectiveness of Adwords for photographers

Advertising either works or it doesn’t, there’s no middle ground. If an ad is going to work, it will work right away. To know whether an ad is working, it must be measurable. If results can’t be measured then the ad is a waste of time and money.

I’ve been using Google Adwords for just over three months and I was planning to use it for at least one year.

Quantity of Results

After three months of using Google Adwords:

• My ads have been served up about 2,300 times per month.

• The click-through rate is about 1% (21 to 25 clicks per month).

• Number of enquiries is 10% of the click-throughs (about 2 or 3 per month).

• Number of paying jobs is 0.

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Trying Harder

Who determines your company’s place in the market: you, your competitors or your customers? Are you a top-ranked business because of your efforts or because of your competitors’ mistakes? Does this even matter if your market position is determined by your customers?

Remember the 1960s slogan for car rental company Avis: “We’re number 2. We try harder.”

That slogan, along with some clever ads, helped Avis gain marketshare but not at the expense of the market-leader, Hertz. Instead, Avis gained at the expense of its many other competitors whose marketing efforts were weak by comparison.

In a crowded market, consumers will think that being “number 2” isn’t that bad since it’s right next to the top company. Since consumers perceived Avis to be almost like Hertz, Avis got their business. The brand value of Hertz helped lift the brand of Avis and in doing so, helped distance Avis from its other competitors.

Avis didn’t compare itself to any of the other lesser car rental companies but only to the market-leader. In the end, Avis never became “number 1” but it did secure a bigger slice of the car rental business.

Lesson to be learned: compete with businesses which are where you want to be and not with those where you are, (within reason). Or, to use a sports analogy: punch above your weight.

This will force you to up your game, try harder and work smarter. Even if you fall short of your goals, you still end up ahead. (Of course, if this was easy, everyone would be doing it.)


Dressing For The Part

You’re at a business conference. People are dressed in a variety of ways—some in business formal, others in business casual, some in jeans and t-shirts, and a few in beachwear. Which group catches your attention?

The people in beachwear will certainly stand out, but probably for all the wrong reasons. Those dressed in jeans and t-shirts will appear sloppy next to those in business attire. Business casual always looks appropriate and is universally appreciated. Business formal may seem a bit over the top, but it commands respect and admiration.
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The Science of Buying Photography

We’ve all heard the phrase “path of least resistance.” In nature, (and that includes us humans), when given the choice, the path of least resistance will always be chosen first. The path of least resistance is the path that leads to a destination that’s good enough.

This path can vary from person to person, depending on the situation at hand. For example:

For a cup of coffee, one person might walk to the next-door 7-Eleven store. It’s quick, the coffee is cheap, it’s good enough for right now.

Another person who wants something more flavourful and made-to-order, “good enough” means they may have no choice but to go several blocks for an expensive Starbucks coffee. More resistance involved but they deserve that coffee.

For someone who needs even more, they might drive a distance to a fancy hotel café which serves coffee in a fashionable location. Much higher resistance but being seen in that expensive restaurant will enhance this person’s reputation.

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Loud And Clear

sports photographer toronto

Basketball coaches seem to yell a lot. They yell to get the attention of their players, they yell when arguing with the referees and sometimes they yell for no apparent reason.

Basketball arenas are very noisy with non-stop loud music, shouting arena announcers and screaming fans. It would seem that the only way to be heard above the ambient noise is to yell.
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Don’t Forget Your Name

Just a little tip for when you’re creating your business web site:

Remember to mention your business name on your web site.

One might think this is obvious and there’s no need to mention it. But I’ve just spent some time reviewing web sites for three photographers and noticed that none mentioned their own name.

Search engines need to see actual text of your business name somewhere in your site. An image of your logo won’t work. A Flash or other type of movie displaying your brand name doesn’t help. It must be text.

A domain name isn’t good enough. A domain such as is viewed as one word: dianebrownphotography. Somewhere on the site, it must actually say Diane Brown Photography.

Saying “Diane shoots business portraits” or “Diane has won awards”, doesn’t work. You must type out your full company name. “Diane Brown Photography does executive portraits” or “Diane Brown is an award-winning photographer”.

Add your business name on each page, place it in meta tags, put it in alt tags, and any other appropriate places.

Remember to mention your own name, if it differs from your business name, so that people looking for you by name can find you.

