Break Through Technology

Here in the Toronto area, the Ford Motor Company is currently running a radio commercial promoting its new vehicles. During the radio spot, a man exclaims that the technology in his Ford is so advanced, “I feel like I’m driving a computer!”

Huh? Who wants to drive a computer? Who wants their car to feel like a computer?

Many car companies promote the high-tech gadgets in their cars because that’s the easy thing to do. But technology isn’t an end point. It’s a tool. It’s a description.

What does this have to do with photography?

Clients don’t care about the technology behind photography. They don’t care about megapixels or megabytes. They don’t care what’s under the hood.

All they care about is results. Good pictures on time. No surprises, no excuses.

Clients want value not technology.


Business and Environmental Portraits

A business portrait is essential for any professional, executive or entrepreneur. Business headshots can be used for media handouts, press releases, public relations, social media, corporate publications, company web site, business cards, vCards, etc.

A portrait helps build a personal connection. There’s a reason why every politician uses a business portrait in their campaign, on their web site and in brochures. It works.

If a politician is caught in a scandal, a good portrait can help mend a lot of credibility problems. Why? Because we trust an honest face, a smiling face. For better or worse, we judge a book by its cover.
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Spend Less or Invest More?

We all know that the economy isn’t what it used to be. Budgets for business marketing, public relations and advertising are tight.

This is precisely why a company should avoid cheap photography or doing the job themselves. Why spend less only to get less? A company’s reputation can never be enhanced by going cheap.

If a company has a limited marketing budget, why waste it? It’s important to spend wisely and make every dollar count. Make sure the photography produces a good return on the dollars invested.

Commercial photographers don’t waste their clients’ time or money. The photographer’s experience means they know how to get the job done right the first time. Their talent means first-rate photography that will make the best impression.

You might say that professional photography doesn’t really cost anything. If $5,000 worth of photography helps generate $50,000 worth of revenue, publicity or goodwill, then there was no cost for that photography.

Something that’s worth more than it costs is called an investment.


Public relations and the media blessing

There’s no doubt about it. Favourable media coverage will increase the credibility of any business. If the news media report on a company’s press release or interview its executives, that business will benefit from the “media blessing.”

A business that gets mentioned in the news will have its image enhanced and gain public attention. A favourable public perception also means that company can avoid competing on price. When the media “blesses” a business by running a positive story on that company, the public will consider that business to be reputable and worthwhile. This can help justify that company’s pricing.

Paid advertising only increases name recognition but good public relations can increase consumer trust. People do business only with those they trust.
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Fix your profile

Business portrait, executive portrait, headshot, social media portrait or profile picture. No matter what you call it, a picture of yourself is important for your business. Really.

For social media, the most important picture is the author’s own portrait. For businesses, both small and large, having online portraits of key employees is very important. Really.

People trust what (and who) they can see more than what (and who) they can’t. A profile without a photo is like a day without sunshine. (Okay, I made up that last bit but hopefully you get my point).

From an Inc. Magazine article titled Fix Your Profile Picture:

Your profile picture is about branding you and the business you own. Are you handling it that way?

(. . .)

Invest the money in a professional photographer. Profile pictures are a booming sideline for many professional photographers. Hire one. It should cost about $200 depending on where you live and what you need specificially [sic].

(. . .)

Update your picture every couple of years.


Can’t Get No Satisfaction

The most popular web site in the world is, of course, Facebook. The site with the lowest customer satisfaction rating is . . . Facebook.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index just released its 2011 survey results for customer satisfaction of social media web sites. For the second year, Facebook is in last place. Since Facebook has almost no competition (yet), it has no incentive to be good.

But considering Facebook’s low user satisfaction, its current size dominance cannot be taken for granted in the future. For companies that provide low levels of customer satisfaction, repeat business is always a challenge unless customers lack adequate choices, as in the case of near monopolies. It is possible that Facebook’s gigantic user base in and of itself might provide a certain monopoly protection.

Since a photographer doesn’t usually have a monopoly on photography services in their area, the photographer has no choice but to provide good customer service. This is more important than producing super artistic photography.

Customer service isn’t just about promptly returning phone calls and delivering the pictures on time.

Good customer service includes such things as: understanding the customer’s photography needs, foreseeing and then addressing any potential problems before they become problems, making sure the delivered photographs meet the proper specifications for the required use, suggesting alternative ideas for the photography, and knowing how to properly use all your tools (camera, computer, software).

If customers are not satisfied then the photographer hasn’t done their job. Delivering only pictures isn’t enough.

