Photo Licensing Saves Money

Did you know that it’s cheaper to buy a house than rent a hotel room?

A mid-range Toronto hotel room might be $160/night. That works out to $4,800 per month which is higher than the average monthly mortgage payment on a house in Toronto. But since a customer needs a hotel room for only a short time, that $160 nightly room rental is 3,000 times cheaper than the average $480,000 house.
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Risk Management

If the pictures aren’t important then your company can hire the cheapest photographer you can find. After all, if the pictures don’t turn out, only a small amount of money was wasted. You can can hire another photographer and try it again.

But when the pictures are important, when there’s a tight deadline, when the photos can’t be re-shot or when corporate image is at stake, then there’s risk involved. Why would you compound this risk by hiring the cheapest photographer?

Smart companies will always hire an experienced photographer who knows how to minimize risk.

Minimizing risk includes such things as being insured, having backup equipment, location scouting, anticipating potential problems and dealing with them before they become problems, understanding the flow of an event, exposure bracketing, frame bracketing, having digital backups, having alternative picture ideas, and knowing camera limitations and how to get beyond those limitations.

All of this extra time, equipment and experience cost money but they all help reduce the risk to your company.

When reputation, credibility and money are at stake, can any business risk going cheap?


Public Relations Laugh

A political party in Alberta kicked off its provincial election campaign by unveiling a new bus. The vehicle was wrapped to look like a massive billboard—a popular move in political campaigns. But it was obvious that no one bothered to proof the final design.

The party’s female leader’s photo was placed in a disastrous spot over the rear wheels, creating an unfortunate visual. The result? The party faced a day of mockery and negative attention.

In response, the party announced it would replace the $10,000 wrap. That’s an expensive do-over.

(Added: a week later, the party is still being laughed at.)
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Advertising or Public Relations

What’s the difference between advertising and public relations?

Here’s the short answer:

Advertising comes from a media outlet’s sales department, while public relations comes from the media outlet’s news department.

Guess which one has more credibility?
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How to save on business portraits

How to save money on business portraits:

  1. Go to a department store or grocery store photo studio and get their $29.95 special. While you’re there, you can also pick up some shampoo, socks, cereal or any other supplies that you need. Sure, this will take a couple hours out of your work day but who doesn’t like to skip work?


  2. Have the lowest priced photographer on Craigslist come to your office to do the photos.  Hopefully this $79 photographer will show up and won’t leave you stranded because they couldn’t get time off from their day job.

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Dialing For Dollars

Freelance photographers usually get paid by cheque and occasionally by cash. Some photographers, including myself, also accept credit card payments through PayPal via the photographer’s web site.

PayPal just announced its new PayPal Here system that will allow a business to accept credit card payments using a smart phone. This is similar to the up-and-running, two-year-old Square system.

There are differences between PayPal Here and Square but there’s only one difference that matters to Canadian photographers. PayPal Here will be available in Canada and Square is not.

Square says that it’s looking into expanding outside the USA but it’s been saying that for two years. Perhaps the competition from PayPal will force Square to get moving.

[Update October 24, 2012: Square just announced that it’s available in Canada.]

Apparently, the Square system is/was capable of being used for credit card fraud. By contrast, the PayPal Here card reader is encrypted.

Accepting credit card payments on location could be a big help for professional photographers. Some business customers and government clients can pay on-the-spot with a corporate credit card. But not being able to accept credit cards on location often means a photographer has to wait weeks or months to get paid by cheque.

[Update March 18, 2013: PayPal Here is still not available in Canada.]


Choosing a business portrait photographer

If you buy a cheap pair of shoes and they turn out to be uncomfortable, you stop wearing them. The money you paid for these shoes was wasted.

If you buy a more expensive pair of shoes and you enjoy wearing them, you’ll wear these shoes often. Over the life of the shoes, the additional money you paid, compared to the lower priced shoes, will be inconsequential becasue the value received is high.

Business portrait photography is a common offering from corporate photographers. Here in Toronto, business portraits can range from $50 to $1000. Even $2000 for a single portrait is not unheard of.

Why is there such a wide price range?
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