If the pictures aren’t important then your company can hire the cheapest photographer you can find. After all, if the pictures don’t turn out, only a small amount of money was wasted. You can can hire another photographer and try it again.
But when the pictures are important, when there’s a tight deadline, when the photos can’t be re-shot or when corporate image is at stake, then there’s risk involved. Why would you compound this risk by hiring the cheapest photographer?
Smart companies will always hire an experienced photographer who knows how to minimize risk.
Minimizing risk includes such things as being insured, having backup equipment, location scouting, anticipating potential problems and dealing with them before they become problems, understanding the flow of an event, exposure bracketing, frame bracketing, having digital backups, having alternative picture ideas, and knowing camera limitations and how to get beyond those limitations.
All of this extra time, equipment and experience cost money but they all help reduce the risk to your company.
When reputation, credibility and money are at stake, can any business risk going cheap?