Right now, most Canadian photographers will be doing their annual income tax. Some business expenses are not deducted in full but instead they are depreciated over time. Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) is used to depreciate the value of photo equipment, computers, and other business purchases that have continuing value.
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Cheap Is Not A Bargain
A company this week asked to have its business headshots retouched. The photos were shot by a cheap photographer.
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A Close Shave
One of the more difficult, if not impossible, retouching tasks is removing facial hair. Removing a beard or moustache can be impossible to do because the facial hair has to be replaced by realistic-looking skin that matches the person’s face. Also, the photo retoucher has no idea what the person’s jaw and mouth look like under the facial hair. The retoucher can only guess and the results will not be accurate.
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Retouching Business Headshots and Other Portraits
Almost all business headshots and other professional portraits need to be retouched. This is often done to fix mistakes the photographer made or to repair something that was overlooked such as a crooked tie. Appearing neatly groomed will make you seem more competent.
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Dancing On The Ceiling
All products, except luxury items, have a maximum price set by market conditions. A loaf of bread costs up to about $8. A bakery can’t increase the price to $20 or $30 no matter how good that bread is. The price of bread has a ceiling. To make more money, a bakery can expand into products that have a higher price ceiling such as cakes and pastry (which might be considered luxury items).
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The Art Of The Estimate
There are plenty of clients who don’t actually want the cheapest choice. They want the best one, and a powerful estimate is the clue they use to choose.
– Seth Godin, author and marketing strategist
An estimate doesn’t have to be just a page of numbers. You can use an estimate as an additional marketing tool to help persuade a potential customer. Customers need more than numbers to understand you and your business. If you can sell yourself as being more knowledgeable, more reliable, and less risk, then price becomes secondary.
Differentiate yourself from other photographers not by having a lower price or even a similar price, but by being exactly what they’re looking for. And this is done with words, not numbers, on an estimate. Sell yourself and not the numbers.
Seth Godin’s full blog post about estimates.
Retouching Business Conference Photos
Photo retouching isn’t just for portraits. Retouching is almost always necessary for any picture that’s going to be used in a newsletter, an annual report, or any similar business publication, in print or online. Properly edited pictures always make your project look more professional.
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