For Photographers

Consistent Business Portraits

A potential corporate client reached out, requesting a photographer who could replicate the look of their previous business portraits. Their new employees needed headshots that matched the style of the existing ones.

Matching previous portraits is a common request, and it reflects a company’s understanding of the importance of consistency in business messaging. Consistency fosters a sense of stability, which in turn builds trust.

Trust is built with consistency. – Lincoln Chafee, US state governor

It’s typically easy to match the style of existing business portraits but I asked the company to provide samples of the previous images, just to be sure.

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Prisoners or Pictures?

When did “photograph” become a bad word?

When writing online about their pictures, some folks will use statements like, “I captured this on…”, “this was captured at…”, “my favourite capture of the week”, “sunset captures from my vacation”, “holiday captures”, “best wedding captures”, “creative pet captures” and “candid kid captures.”

On sites where viewers can leave comments to posted pictures, people often write things such as “Nice capture!”, “Cool capture!”, “How did you capture that?”, “Lovely detail in that capture” and “I love the feel of this capture.”

There are many sites that offer tips on how to capture a winning photo, how to capture the perfect picture and how to capture your children.
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Fear Photography

As a photographer, which would you prefer: lots of low-paying customers or only a few high-paying customers? For example:

Photographer A shoots three business portraits every week at $100 each. His annual gross revenue is 3 X $100 X 52 = $15,600.

Photographer B does only one business portrait every other week at $600. Her annual gross is 1 x $600 x 26 = $15,600.

Which is better: low price with high volume or high price with low volume?
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Getting On Base

A recent article in a Canadian photo magazine gives advice on how to become a professional sports photographer. The article talks about the excitement of being at sports events and blasting away at ten frames per second. A look at the author’s web site shows many fantastic photos . . . of weddings and portraits.

The author’s advice for wannabe sports photographers is to call sports events and ask for a free “photo pass.” If necessary, the photographer should offer free photos in exchange for said pass. Later, when the photographer has gained some experience, they can sell pictures to the event and enter the exciting world of sports photography.

This information is wrong.
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Back in the darkroom

Over the past few years, almost all photography-related software has taken a turn for the worse. Such software has adopted a dark-coloured user interface along with either reverse type (white text on a dark background), dark text on a dark background, or even grey text on a grey background.

Some software companies don’t seem to understand how our eyes work. Since reading a computer monitor is known to be more difficult than reading a piece of paper, one would think that software companies would take this into consideration.
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Worst Job Ever

The worst job in the country?

According to CareerCast’s just released 2013 annual job ratings comparing 200 jobs, “newspaper reporter” is the worst job around.

In 2010, “newspaper reporter” was ranked 184th; in 2011, it was 188th; in 2012, it was 196th. Notice a trend?

This year, “photojournalist” ranks 188th. That’s right, dishwasher and maid are both better jobs than photojournalist.

In 2010, “photojournalist” was ranked 189th; in 2011, it was 185th; in 2012, it was 166th.

The job of “photographer” is slightly better at position 172. But “photographer” is apparently a worse job than cashier, carpet installer, garbage collector, bus driver and janitor.

In 2010, “photographer” was rated 126th; in 2011, it was 144th; in 2012, it was 147th. Hmm, a downward trend.

Best jobs? Actuary, biomedical engineer, and software engineer.

Of course, reports like this are meant for “water cooler conversation” – something that folks can chat about while standing at the water cooler. Today’s water coolers are blogs, Facebook pages and Tweets.


Bad Driving

A Montreal photographer last week did an assignment for The Globe and Mail about an Olympic athlete and the car she drives. The athlete lives in Laval, Quebec, and she happens to drive a BMW Mini vehicle.

A Laval BMW Mini dealership saw the story and contacted the photographer to ask permission to use the picture for its Facebook marketing. The luxury car dealer offered the photographer a credit line.

Instead, the photographer asked for a nominal $150.

The car dealership refused and then just took the photo from the newspaper’s web site and reused it without any credit line.
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