For Customers

Best Photo Sayings

Who says photographers don’t have a sense of humour?

My sensor is bigger than yours

Film is a four-letter word

My other camera is a Leica

If all else fails . . . Photoshop!

I brake for photo ops

I’d back up my hard drive if I knew how to put it in reverse.

If at first you don’t succeed, reformat.

Power corrupts. Buy a surge protector.

Trust me, I’m a photographer.

If you’re not in focus, you’re in the way.

I’d rather be taking pictures

A bad day of photography beats a good day of working

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Say Cheese

Who doesn’t love having their picture taken?

First Portraits

Getting your “official” portrait taken usually starts when you’re one day old, courtesy of the hospital photographer.

This is followed by thirteen years of annual school pictures. Although some grade schools now have “picture day” three times per year.

If you played sports or were involved in any other organized activity when you were young, then you probably had many more official pictures.

When you add graduation and prom pictures, driver’s licence photos, passport pictures and maybe even a few police mug shots :-) then you’ve had a lot of official portraits made. Many of those probably had fake, forced smiles.
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Sure thing or lottery ticket

Since I’m on this “cheap” rant:

A while ago, a local Toronto business e-mailed and asked for a quote to shoot some public relations photos to be used mostly as media handouts. I quoted about $2,600 (photography spread over two days, assistant, post-processing, expenses, taxes) and didn’t hear back from that business.

“Oh well,” I thought, “I guess I didn’t get that job.”

Then about a month later, the same company called and asked when I might be available.
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Cheap Photographer

A couple of months ago, I got a phone call from the photo editor at one of the largest newspapers in Canada. He wanted “magazine-style” portraits of a business person here in Toronto. The photo editor said he required six different looks each with different lighting and a variety of backgrounds.

Best part of all? Not only was he willing to pay $150 but he would also pay mileage!

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