Is it common for a company to require its employees to supply their own business headshots? Most of these self-supplied headshots are, of course, cellphone selfies.
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On Photography – 50 Years Later
It’s the 50th anniversary of the publication of US author Susan Sontag‘s essay Photography (link to PDF) which was later re-edited and renamed “In Plato’s Cave.” This renamed essay became the first of six essays in her book, “On Photography.” In Plato’s Cave is probably the most well known of the six essays.
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Pragmatic Photography
Pragmatic: relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters. Practical as opposed to idealistic.
A pragmatic photographer is more concerned with getting the job done rather than making an artistic statement.
Many people who take pictures with their cellphone camera are pragmatic photographers. They want a photo without any fuss and without much thought.
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2022 Year End
At the end of another year, I want to thank you for reading this blog.
This site was never meant to be a high-traffic web site filled with advertisements, affiliate links and product reviews. There are far too many other web sites like that.
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A Good Example Of Bad Public Relations
Today I received an unwanted press release from a Toronto public relations company. It was a good example of what not to do especially if you’re claiming to be a professional communications company.
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Retouching Family Photos
Imperfections and distractions in family photos aren’t often a big deal and can be easily overlooked. But if a picture is going to be printed large and hung on a wall then you might consider photo retouching to fix any technical errors, remove blemishes and enhance the image to look its best.
Window or Mirror?
The purpose of a selfie with a celebrity is the brief(?) illusion that you and the celebrity are connected. You can bask in the reflected glory of the celebrity and the selfie is a trophy you can show others.
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