Choose Better Conference Photography

When your company is planning a business conference, workshop or similar event, the question of photography may come up. Conference photography is important because it can be used for your social media, a post-event newsletter, a press release, your annual report and for marketing next year’s event.

You might think that you can get an employee to do the photography because they have a cell-phone camera. But if you decide to go this route instead of hiring a professional photographer, don’t pat yourself on the back.

Better Equipment

A professional photographer has much better equipment than a cell-phone camera. Despite what cell phone manufacturers claim, the camera built into a phone doesn’t even come close to what professional cameras and lenses can do.

A pro camera has a much higher quality sensor which performs much better in the low light used at most conferences. This sensor can handle a wider range of tones from very dark to very bright and produce more accurate colours.

A pro lens has much more resolution which means sharper, more detailed images that will reproduce better at any size you may ever need. Pro lenses go wider for wide-angle views and they can get much closer for pictures shot from further away. Pro lenses can get any view that you need.

Better Expertise

Let’s face it, a professional photographer with a couple decades of experience will know how to take better photos than any of your employees. Photographers know what camera angles work best, they know how to read the lighting, they know how to anticipate an event, and they know what images will best represent your event.

Better Effort

At your event, an employee-with-cell-phone never has the time to do only photography. They either have other duties or they’re busy taking part in the event. For them, photography is an afterthought. With a professional, photography is the only thought. A professional will spend every moment producing interesting pictures for you. Rest assured that you’ll get the pictures you need.

Better Corporate Image

Do you want your company represented by cell-phone snaps or by professional photography?

For your next corporate event, hire a professional photographer and get better photography to help make your event more successful.


Choose Better Conference Photography

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