There’s a well-known saying that states, “A confused mind always says no.”
This also applies to customers who are confused about a sales offer. They will always take their business elsewhere.
When searching through photographers’ web sites, a customer can become confused when they don’t understand exactly what the photographer is offering, the benefits of hiring that particular photographer, or any of the claims made by the photographer.
A photographer’s web site can create confusion by:
— Having too much information or too little information. Oddly enough, the correct amount of information might be related to the photographer’s prices.
— Offering too many choices.
— Using too much technical jargon.
— Showing a lack of consistency in presentation or message.
— Having no differentiation from other photographers.
Some businesses intentionally try to confuse customers. This is done so that one company’s products or services can’t be easily compared to its competitors. This practice can be common among companies that sell a commodity in an oligopoly, such as telecoms and home energy companies. How much do you enjoy dealing with these companies?
A confused customer is always an unhappy customer.
Many photographers use one of those dubious haze filters on their lenses to eliminate “haze”. Perhaps putting a clarity filter on their business might be more effective.