A Thousand Words

More proof about the importance and power of photography especially when it comes to corporate image, portraits and public relations:

Words are about information. Pictures are about emotion. Emotion equals power.

Print folks … like to believe that words matter still. But, mostly, they don’t.

The people who put together TV newscasts, as well as the best news photographers, have known this truism for a long time, but they’ve kept mostly quiet about it. Perhaps they don’t want to hurt the feelings of their colleagues, who still vainly cling to the belief that the written word can move hearts and minds. But the fact remains that for voters, for citizens, words don’t matter nearly as much as pictures do.

– from author Warren Kinsella

Although Kinsella was writing about how politicians fare in the camera’s eye, the same principle applies to all marketing and public relations. Photography is the number one way to influence public opinion.

Whether it’s business portraits, public relations, press releases or any other type of marketing photography, the worst thing a company can do is to cut corners when it comes to its corporate photography.

Kinsella writes:

What’s the moral? The moral is that people’s lives are busy. They don’t have time anymore to read as much as they would like. And they reckon that they can learn more by looking at someone — really looking at them — than they can by reading about them.

Smart companies invest the time and money to produce quality business portraits of their key employees, good press release photography that satisfies all journalism requirements, and first-rate public relations photography that will interest readers.


Because a picture is worth a thousand words.

What is your current corporate photography saying about your business?


A Thousand Words

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