How would you like to work only one day a year? And, it wouldn’t even be a full day because you’d get to leave early at 2:30 pm.
It’s easy.
First, get a job as one of Canada’s top CEOs.
From today’s press release by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA):
“At this rate of reward, this handful of elite CEOs pocket the equivalent of the average Canadian wage by 2:30 pm on January 3 – the first working day of the year,” says the study’s author and CCPA Research Associate Hugh Mackenzie.
The study, titled Recession-Proof and based on 2009 data, can be downloaded from the CCPA site. The year 2009 was the worst recession year for Canada, (at least, so far).
Photographers take note: an important point from this is that the average Canadian annual income is about $43,000 ($48,100 for men and $32,100 for women). According to Statistics Canada numbers, this average annual income hasn’t really changed much in several years.
The average “artist” earns about $23,500 per year. The average Canadian minimum wage is $19,877. And just to point out, actors and musicians can earn much less.