The start of a new year is an ideal time for a company to re-evaluate its business photography and consider updating its images. Just as schools have a “picture day” at the beginning of each new year, businesses should do the same.
Like a loaf of bread, business headshots can go stale after a while. While you might be tempted to keep using that 12-year-old portrait from when you had fewer wrinkles, the shelf life of a business photo is typically about two years. There’s a reason most annual reports require fresh executive portraits each year. Perhaps it’s time to show your customers that your president owns a tie that’s not from the last century!
Having current business photography signals to your customers that you’re evolving, not stuck in the past. It shows you’re active, modern, and moving forward.
It’s not just about business portraits. Companies should also review their archive of PR and marketing photos. Are the images of your manufacturing plant up to date with the latest equipment? Has your office space changed? Has your product packaging been refreshed recently?
The bonus of updating your business photography is that new images inspire fresh ideas. Old, overused photos tend to lose their impact. New photos, on the other hand, can spark new PR campaigns, media opportunities, and renewed marketing confidence.
An old shirt might be comfortable, but it’s also faded and worn. We all know the boost we get from putting on a crisp, new, stylish shirt; it makes us look better and feel better.
Now is the perfect time for a company to take a closer look at its photography “closet” and decide what needs refreshing and updating.