We’ve all heard the phrase “path of least resistance.” In nature, (and that includes us humans), when given the choice, the path of least resistance will always be chosen first. The path of least resistance is the path that leads to a destination that’s good enough.
This path can vary from person to person, depending on the situation at hand. For example:
For a cup of coffee, one person might walk to the next-door 7-Eleven store. It’s quick, the coffee is cheap, it’s good enough for right now.
Another person who wants something more flavourful and made-to-order, “good enough” means they may have no choice but to go several blocks for an expensive Starbucks coffee. More resistance involved but they deserve that coffee.
For someone who needs even more, they might drive a distance to a fancy hotel café which serves coffee in a fashionable location. Much higher resistance but being seen in that expensive restaurant will enhance this person’s reputation.
When a business needs to buy photography, the path of least resistance is an online stock agency. Here, there are two types of “resistance.” The first is physical or technical: choosing the picture, paying and downloading. This is similar to a coffee buyer choosing the corner convenience store rather than something further away. The second type of resistance is economical: the cost of the photography.
While cheap online photography is always the path of least resistance, is it always the wisest choice? Just as cheap coffee can cause an upset stomach, cheap photography can cause an upset business.
Remember Newton’s Third Law of Motion: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the corporate world, this is similar to the “you get what you pay for” principle.
Cheap coffee may make your wallet happy but it can upset your stomach. Expensive coffee makes your stomach happy but can leave your wallet feeling a bit grouchy. Which choice is for you?
When your company decides to buy photography, are you trying to buy pictures or results? Online stock photography is cheap and easy to acquire, which will make your wallet happy, but the long term benefit may turn sour when the pictures fail to perform.
Custom photography may make your wallet unhappy in the short term but a stronger business image and more customer attention can make your business happy.