Just a little tip for when you’re creating your business web site:
Remember to mention your business name on your web site.
One might think this is obvious and there’s no need to mention it. But I’ve just spent some time reviewing web sites for three photographers and noticed that none mentioned their own name.
Search engines need to see actual text of your business name somewhere in your site. An image of your logo won’t work. A Flash or other type of movie displaying your brand name doesn’t help. It must be text.
A domain name isn’t good enough. A domain such as dianebrownphotography.com is viewed as one word: dianebrownphotography. Somewhere on the site, it must actually say Diane Brown Photography.
Saying “Diane shoots business portraits” or “Diane has won awards”, doesn’t work. You must type out your full company name. “Diane Brown Photography does executive portraits” or “Diane Brown is an award-winning photographer”.
Add your business name on each page, place it in meta tags, put it in alt tags, and any other appropriate places.
Remember to mention your own name, if it differs from your business name, so that people looking for you by name can find you.