Very off-topic but just for Valentine’s Day:
These may make little sense to non-photographers but here are some of the best photography pick-up lines:
Let me focus only on you.
Picture us together.
I’ve got you in my viewfinder.
Will you be my long-term project?
I Leica you.
Do you do it RAW?
True love can never be Photoshopped.
Let’s get together for a horizontal composition.
Let’s converge our verticals.
I’d sync with you at any speed.
So, what’s your focal length?
How big is your aperture?
You are the catchlight of my eyes.
That’s not a zoom lens in my pocket. I’m just happy to see you.
I’ve been admiring your pixels. Have they been up-sampled?
How about a private press conference tonight at my place?
You have an all-access pass to my heart.
Shall I drop my pants and give you a multimedia presentation?
When you flash your smile, my colour temperature rises.
My nickname is “tripod.”
I’m a sports photographer. Want to see my monopod?
I’m a sports photographer. Want to see my long lens?
I’m a news photographer and you’re definitely A-1 material.
I’m a war photographer and you’ve got the best front-lines I’ve ever seen.
As a travel photographer, I’ve been admiring your southern region.
I’m a travel photographer and that’s some geography you’ve got there.
I’m an aerial photographer and our clothes have been cleared for immediate take-off.
I’m a medical photographer and you’re a fine specimen.
I’m a food photographer and you’re one hot dish.
I’m a corporate photographer and I’d love to photograph your assets.
Iām a car photographer and I was just admiring your rear bumper.
Come back to my studio and I’ll let you pop my flash.
Let’s go back to my darkroom and see what develops.
I’d love to warm up your colour balance.
Your smile is 255, 255, 255.
Bayonet mount or screw mount?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But there are no words for a picture as beautiful as you.