Who says photographers don’t have a sense of humour?
My sensor is bigger than yours
Film is a four-letter word
My other camera is a Leica
If all else fails . . . Photoshop!
I brake for photo ops
I’d back up my hard drive if I knew how to put it in reverse.
If at first you don’t succeed, reformat.
Power corrupts. Buy a surge protector.
Trust me, I’m a photographer.
If you’re not in focus, you’re in the way.
I’d rather be taking pictures
A bad day of photography beats a good day of working
My job is more fun than your vacation
Not all photographers are fools. Some use Nikons.
A photographer is a painter in a hurry.
Walk softly and carry a big lens.
Hell hath no fury like a photographer wrongly cropped.
It’s not out of focus, it’s art.
Stop time — take a picture
Photographers do it in a darkroom.
Photographers do it with flash.
Never judge a photographer by their pictures.
Nine out of ten people like photography. The tenth is an editor.
Don’t blame me, I’m just the photographer.
If you can’t be rich, be a photographer.
Kiss my flash
Experience means you make only new mistakes.
Life is but a photograph. It all depends on how you frame it.
Why leave it to memory? Take a photo and get a hard copy.
Old photographers never die . . .
they just fade away.
they get cropped out.
they stop developing.
they stop flashing.
they stop exposing themselves.
they get archived.
they lose their focus.
they lose their zoom.
they lose their light.
they fail to update.